04 January 2010

New Years Resolutions

Happy New Year! Hope you had a great time over the Christmas holidays and still managed to exercise a few times a week.

For my New Years Resolutions this year I have decided to give up Chocolate, Crisps, Alcohol, Ice Cream and Chips for a month.

I'm 4 days in and going strong hehe.

We have had 2 dinner parties so far this year and I have said NO to the dorito crisps, after eight mints, ice cream, the beer and wine...

Instead I have increased my fruit intake for a few extra healthy snacks anytime I feel the urge to grab a chocolate bar or packet of crisps.

One month isn't a long time and it's going fast already, all I need to do is stay disciplined and not let any lazy snacking habits creep in which I'm sure I can do as I'm not missing any of the above so far.

Good luck with your New Years Resolutions whatever they may be :)