24 January 2012

Detox Is Nearly Over - How Much Have You Lost?

Tuesday 24th January today and one week left of the dreaded New Years detox. I started mine January 1st and will finish Sunday 29th January when I'm in Italy. Mine has been pretty simple. Eat only nutritional food and drink lots of water. I've cut out all crisps, chips, pies, microwave meals, chocolate, ice cream, sweets and alcohol and I've never felt better.

I started off just under 15 stones and now weigh just under 14 stones and have lost about 15lbs. I should have taken some before and after photos to send to some health and fitness magazines. I've lost a bit on my face but mostly on my waist which is where all my treats laid and have lost about 2 inches / 2 notches on my belt.

In the weekdays I normally finish work quite late, then go home for a shower and have a little nutritional snack. Then I made the mistake of having a tasty but calorie deficient snack like chocolate digestive biscuits, doritos, Haagen Dazs, wine gums etc at 9pm or later only an hour or so before going to bed.

It doesn't matter how much exercise you do. If you eat an unhealthy snack or drink alcohol (liquid calories) right before bed you don't have time to break it down / burn it off and it will sit on your stomach all night and increase your fat content. I've got some body fat scales at home and have lost 5% body fat this month.

It's all about self discipline and seeing what works for you. I've cut out all my favourite snacks and don't have any cravings for them at all and in the future I'll have a sensible small portion of treats every now and again and will make sure they're no later than 7.30pm in the evening.

Try what I've done and see how you get on and let me know, good luck.

02 January 2012

New Year, New You? Your Body Is For Life, Not Just For Christmas

It's great to have a big kick start to the new year and a healthy detox and a few small changes to your diet to make it have more nutritional value and increase your fitness training but it's also important to keep it going through the whole year so that you can reach your goals quickly then maintain your high level of health and fitness.

When you take any breaks off during the year you soon lose fitness and it's harder to get back into it so it's better and easier to do a steady amount throughout the whole year. Anymore then 2 weeks off exercise is too long. The government recommend training at least 3 times a week every single week. If you go on holiday for 2 weeks still try to do some exercise whilst your away.

'Health is wealth, movement is medicine'.